€169,00 EUR

3 monthly payments

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Magical Paintings

When you join today you will

  • Immidiate access to the first training
  • get step-by-step trainings with Hege the next 5 weeks and you can watch it over and over again the next 12 months. YOU´ll have a toolkit that lasts forever! 
  • know how to get colors popping 🎉 on your canvas
  • fill your walls with beautiful abstracts your neighbor will want to buy🥳(and then your big decision will be - do you want to sell them or keep them on your walls 👩‍🎨😍🤷

You will also get these great bonuses; 

BONUS #1 Make your own canvases and save a lot of money! (also you can make them as large as you want!

BONUS #2 Live painting sessions with Hege (always much appreciated) 

BONUS #3 Learn how to sell your paintings and get an extra income💰! 

AND EXTRA BONUS worth 150!
5 ADDITIONAL WEEKS of live sessions where you can ask my guidance

What People Are Saying:

Creativity has finally found a place in my life again - thats makes me so happy!


Now I sign my paintings with pride


Something magical has happened in my life


I was new to painting and even though I sold several paintings the first months. Heges way of teaching is efficient and good. The learning curve has been steep, but Hege has given me a lot of knowledge in a short time about color theory, compositions, and COUNTLESS painting techniques in both large and small formats. Now I dream of things I did not know I would dream about - like an atelier and an artshow🎨
